It’s been a while since my last update, but not too much has changed in regards to my professional life. I’m still working with (and learning lots about) RxSwift. The learning curve was definitely pretty steep, but I’m beginning to see just how powerful the reactive programming paradigm really is.

I’ve been learning some more SwiftUI on the side as well. I should have a more specific iOS/Swift post in the coming weeks.

On another note, I’ve spent the last four days in the state of Alaska. What started amongst myself and my brothers as a fun yet impractical idea turned into reality when we landed in Fairbanks, AK. We stayed the next ~1.5 days in the city of Fairbanks, and then made the day trip to Denali National Park.

Denali Park was truly incredible. The drive through the mountains itself from Fairbanks was very enjoyable - scenic overlooks were scattered the entire way there. There was something about the air within the Alaskan wilderness that was remarkable. It was fresh, and calming, but at the same time very hard to describe.

We spent one entire day there, but I feel like we only just scratched the surface of the park. The entire park/preservation is a whopping 6 million acres! I hope one day I can go back and maybe experience another 1/10000th of it.